Three ports in the Odessa region want to transfer to concession
The State Agency for the Rehabilitation and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine announced the transfer of three ports in the Odessa region to concession.
izmailThe State Agency for the Rehabilitation and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine announced the transfer of three ports in the Odessa region to concession.
izmailThe event is envisaged by the development plan of the Izmail seaport. The executive committee of the Izmail City Council signed a grant contract for the CBConnect-Trans project - development of intermodal …
izmailAs emphasized in the statement, the decision to sell, transfer to state-owned enterprises from balance to balance is made by the management body of Private JSC “UDP” - the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
izmailThe planned time for dredging in both ports is up to five months. The Romanian company SC COMPLEX DELTA SRL (KP TOV "COMPLEX DELTA") started dredging in the seaports of Izmail and Reni.
izmailThe Administration of the seaports of Ukraine has signed an agreement on carrying out operational dredging in the water areas of the seaports of Izmail and Reni with the company SC COMPLEX DELTA SRL from Romania.
izmailThe passenger ship Dnipro, owned by PrJSC Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP), completed the cruise navigation of 2017 on October 27.
izmailThe final press conference took place in the building of the PrJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company" on Tuesday, November 29, during which the results of the 2016 passenger navigation were announced.
izmailOn the basis of the Izmail training and detachment of maritime security of the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBS), joint exercises were held between representatives of the border agencies of Ukraine and Romania.
izmailThis on his Facebook page was reported by the head of the board of PJSC UDP Dmitry Barinov. - Repeated! Our m/s "Tatarbunary" is released from more than 2 years of arrest in Turkey and goes home to Izmail! - the report says.
izmailFrom 9 to 13 November on the Danube Faculty of Maritime and River Transport of the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named Peter Hetman Sagaidachnogo Konashevich week went native and English languages.
izmailИзмаильский морской торговый порт, по данным информационного портала «Транспортный бизнес», отработал в декабре 2014 года с нарастающим результатом: рост грузопереработки составил 107% в сравнении с соответствующим периодом 2013 года.
izmailКабинет министров Украины принял распоряжение «Об одобрении Соглашения (в форме обмена нотами) между Кабинетом министров Украины и правительством Румынии об открытии международного пункта пропуска через …
izmailКандидатура исполняющего обязанности председателя Правления пароходства будет утверждена в ближайшую неделю с установлением испытательного срока на один-три месяца.
izmailDredging on the Ukrainian deep-sea ship "Danube-Black Sea" will be conducted by a Romanian company. This was reported by CITI, the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine Maxim Burbak who visited Izmail on June 20.