PJSC “UDP” issued a statement explaining the cancellation of 9 barges

PJSC “UDP” issued a statement explaining the cancellation of 9 barges

As emphasized in the statement, the decision to sell, transfer to state-owned enterprises from balance to balance is made by the management body of Private JSC “UDP” - the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. ”

Industry News 3034 04 октября, 2018 gorod24.info

In the past few days, PJSC “UDP” has become the object of publications in some mass media regarding the sale or free transfer of non-self-propelled river barges.  With reference to an announcement on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in the section “Proposals for property for potential buyers,” almost all publications indicated: “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company PJSC announced its intention to distribute nine non-self-propelled barges in poor condition”

"PJSC" UDP "is a public and open company," the statement said. - Therefore, we considered it necessary to respond to these publications and clarify the essence of the announcement.

The website of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine actually placed an offer to sell or free transfer of non-self-propelled barges, but with the proviso “in the prescribed manner”, which means the transfer from balance to balance to state-owned enterprises of the industry with preservation of the intended purpose. The barges listed are currently in poor condition and, due to their technical characteristics, cannot be used in the carriage of goods with which UDP is currently operating.

The procedure for writing off state property is governed by the procedure for writing off objects of state ownership approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 8, 2007 No. 1314, Methodological recommendations regarding consideration by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, as well as joint-stock companies whose corporate rights management functions are performed by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, approved by order The Ministry of Infrastructure of June 11, 2014 No. 246, and also taking into account the special instructions of the Ministry of Infrastructure on , The 20/06/2014 № 627/16 / 11-14, of 21/10/2014, the №1089 / 16 / 11-14, of 08/09/2016, the №629 / 16 / 11-16.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1314 dated November 8, 2007, reads as follows:

“Property that cannot be alienated in accordance with the established procedure, transferred to state-owned enterprises, institutions and organizations for which other management methods cannot be applied (or it may be economically inexpedient to use) cannot be written off, if such property is physically or morally worn out, unsuitable for further use by a business entity ". That is, before submitting documents for write-off to a profile ministry, an enterprise must observe the procedure and offer the property for sale or free transfer in the prescribed manner (from balance to balance for state-owned enterprises of the industry with preservation of the intended purpose). If you want to buy property, priority is given to the sale. The decision to sell, transfer to state-owned enterprises from the balance to the balance is made by the management body of PJSC “UDP” - the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine ”.


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