MSC container ship arrives at Odessa port
MSC container ship arrives at Odessa port for first time since February 2022
shipMSC container ship arrives at Odessa port for first time since February 2022
shipThe event is envisaged by the development plan of the Izmail seaport. The executive committee of the Izmail City Council signed a grant contract for the CBConnect-Trans project - development of intermodal …
shipA huge container ship landed across the Suez Canal. Now hundreds of ships are in a giant sea congestion.
shipThe NEW LEO bulk carrier (Liberian flag) with the cargo began on the morning of December 4, during the transition from Elevsis Greece to Gemlik Turkey in the Aegean Sea during a storm, it underwent heavy rolling, which caused the cargo to shift and roll.
shipIn Odessa, the Delfi tanker-bunker under the Moldovan flag swept into the sea by storm. The ship was in the water area of the port "Yuzhny", but because of the storm it was removed from the anchor and began to be carried to the sea.
shipRescued members of the crew of a cargo vessel Volgo-Balt 214, which sank in the Black Sea near the Turkish coast in the morning of January 7, are flying home
shipThe crew of the Crimean fishing vessel "Nord" arrested in Ukraine is no longer detained and released to freedom About this, RIA Novosti reported a representative of the shipowner - the Kerch fishing …
shipThe passenger ship Dnipro, owned by PrJSC Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP), completed the cruise navigation of 2017 on October 27.
shipNear the shores of Nigeria, pirates attacked the container ship Demeter. Six sailors, including a Ukrainian citizen, were taken prisoner.
shipAccording to a new study submitted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the release of gas from container ships, bulk carriers and tankers can be significantly reduced by reducing the speed.
shipThe Vietnamese dry cargo ship Hai Thanh 26-BIDV sank on March 28, 2017, 44 nautical miles from the port of Vung Tau, Vietnam, as a result of a collision with another vessel.
shipIn the evening of January 11, the North Korean vessel Chong Gen received a hole in the board and began to sink.
shipThe Ukrainian vessel RS-300 No. 97 with cargo of tobacco products was detained by the coast guard of Greece. Greek authorities claim that the ship is in unsatisfactory technical condition, in addition, …
shipThis on his Facebook page was reported by the head of the board of PJSC UDP Dmitry Barinov. - Repeated! Our m/s "Tatarbunary" is released from more than 2 years of arrest in Turkey and goes home to Izmail! - the report says.