Useful tips
Resume as a tool to improve the competitiveness of sailors on foreign labor market
During the search operation cadets (and many experienced sailors), as a rule, rely only on domestic crewing companies.
метки: cv, resume, crewing, operation, distributionTips experienced as successfully pass their first interview in crewing
The contents of this article describes the features of the first or one of the first campaigns in crewing.
метки: crewing, interview, interview, cadet, testMemo sailors departing on a voyage on a ship under the flag of convenience
Before going on a voyage on a ship under the flag of convenience (FOC), make sure that you are indeed a member of the Seamen's Union.
метки: itf, trade, union, membership, flag, of, convenience, problemsGathering in flight, what to bring
And then, finally, you have found a job at sea, signed in crewing, which means you have left just a couple of days to collect the suitcases.
метки: flight, collecting, suitcase, hand, luggage, difficulties10 things you need to remember the sailors from the ship prior to disposal
Day of departure from the ship, probably very happy, restless, full of adrenaline and emotion. It is preceded by sleepless nights, hard work.
метки: списание, уход, судно, документы, формальности, обязанности, возвращение, памяткаSites for Job Search
There comes a time when the bidder or an experienced sailor looking for a job and for this he turned to the Internet.
метки: работа, поиск, море, вакансии, каталог, ссылки, ресурсы, списокHow to pass the Marlins test? All of the Marlins test
Computer test for seafarers in the English language, is widely used in large kryuningovyh companies and training centers for seafarers.
метки: marlins, test, test, english, training, testing,What the sailor must remember before you sign the contract?
Regardless of the conditions on which the seafarer agreed to work on the ship, there are certain minimum conditions which he must demand before signing a collective contract before leaving the house or before you get started.
метки: contract, agreement, work, memo, salary, agreementHow to go to the first flight for Cadets
I read a lot of despondency at the forum that "now to work for the Cadets do not", "you have to give a bribe" and other nonsense.
метки: cadet, программа, кадет, работа, тесты, собеседование, зачетка, документыHow to create and send a questionnaire to the sailor crewing
Many of you reading this article sailors regularly send dozens, and sometimes hundreds of emails in crewing companies or shipowners' offices in search of decent work.
метки: рассылка, аппликейшен, крюинг, отослать, анкета, подготовка, письма, работаHow to sleep in the flight of 6 hours (part 1)
I tell a story from the life of a friend starmeha. On the transition remained in the engine room 3 days, afraid that the engine stalls.
метки: flight, watch, slowpoke, lack, of, sleepAs the sailor look for a job?
The question - whether to change the company and find a new job for more pay or promotion to the post, if it occurs, takes a lot of time, nerves and mental effort.
метки: job, search, jobs, tips, owner, managementCrewing, contracts and work directly
Modern sailor and contract - are indivisible. On the basis of the contract and a sailor working on the ship.
метки: crewing, ship, owner, employment, sailor, workSix threats & quot; anti-terrorist & quot; bills
This week, the State Duma introduced a package of bills that could affect on several aspects of the development of Russian society and the Russian Internet.
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