The fastest cruise liner United States rebuilt for offices and schools

The fastest cruise liner United States rebuilt for offices and schools

At the time, one of the biggest passenger liners could accelerate to 38 knots and a transatlantic speed record set transition among classmates, who is not beaten yet. Liner United States was built in 1952, but by 1969 he was removed from a transatlantic flight. Then the cruise ship was acquired by The United States Cruises hoping to spend it in the update and run cruises.

Cruise fleet 887504.12.2015 1:02:23

Liner United States was built in 1952, but by 1969 he was removed from a transatlantic flight. Then the ship was acquired by The United States Cruises hoping to spend his renovate and run cruises. But by the early '90s the company was gone, and the ship turned out to be first in Istanbul and then in Sevastopol and eventually returned to the United States. There, on the docks of Philadelphia and United States stood to this day, gradually rusting and fell into disrepair. Meanwhile, the current owner of the contents of the ship costs about 60 thousand. Dollars per month.

Самый быстрый пассажирский лайнер United StatesЛайнер United States

So handsome was once the United States

And to put on the scrap can not be: it is the largest ship ever built in the United States, a national treasure. As passengers on board once climbed Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney and Salvador Dali. In addition, against the destruction of the giant acts whole social organization & mdash; SS United States Conservancy. Last month, she was able to collect 100 thousand. Dollars to rescue the ship. But this amount for a couple of orders of magnitude less than that required for its restoration. Imagine the last 20 years the ship 302.4 meters in length and with a displacement of 53.3 tons is laid in a caretaker status. And once on the decks & laquo; the American flagship & raquo ;, as the ship was called, could accommodate up to 1928 passengers served their 900 crew members.

Лайнер United States в наше время
Rust is not able to hide the greatness of a leader

And in a complex fate of United States there has been a glimmer. An unnamed investor plans to tow the ship to New York. It is expected that the ship will put in the harbor not far from Red Hook, Brooklyn, famous for its breweries and other industries. Owner Red Hook docks already agreed to shelter the legendary ship. Further, on the idea of ??the investor, United States waiting for renovation and extensive reconstruction. As a result, the ship should lose the opportunity to swim, but his rebuilt decks will house office space, as well as bars and restaurants, a school, a maritime museum and a theater. According to estimates of the reconstruction and re-equipment of the ship in the commercial real estate will cost from 50 to 200 million dollars.

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