In the port of Dnepropetrovsk, a ship with people sinks for the second week
12 Ukrainian sailors do not receive salaries for almost a year and refuse to leave the ship - for eight months the crew worked for the ship owner M&P LIME SHIPPING LTD for eight months free of charge and without employment contracts.According to the captain, if the situation is not resolved in the coming days, the crew will stop saving the ship and it will go under water. And this will lead to an environmental disaster.
The history of the steamer Lime, which carries construction materials to Turkey under the flag of Moldova, began 8 months ago. Representatives of the Nikolaev ship owner, M&P LIME SHIPPING LTD , recruited a crew, drew up contracts. But before providing the sailors with the ship, they called the guys for a conversation.
“We were told our ship is being prepared. And in order not to stand idle, they asked to go once to Turkey on another ship - Lime under the flag of Moldova , to pick up building materials. It didn’t take long to go, because the documents and insurance were not drawn up. They promised to pay well. True, everything is in words, - the sailors say. - We believed. We collected our things and went to sea.
A month later, history repeated itself exactly. The representatives again fed the children "breakfasts", promised money and asked to make one more trip.
The sailors' patience ran out this fall - after 8 months of promises, the sailors threatened the employer with a strike. In response, the shipowner asked to deliver the cargo to the port of Dnepropetrovsk and promised to pay in full.
"They want to leave us with nothing"
The steamer Lime entered the Dnieper water area at the end of November. It is dangerous for a sea colossus to go down the river, in order to avoid problems, the team took a trained pilot on board in Kherson. He led more than a dozen steamers along the Dnieper and knew the river road like the back of his hand. Nevertheless, the ship ran aground. The captain, together with the crew, began to rescue the ship. True, it was not easy to do this, there was a hole in the side , 5 meters long and 80 cm wide . Water filled the cargo hold in seconds. But the sailors managed to seal the emergency compartment.
Two weeks have passed since then. The team managed to pull the ship to the port of Dnepropetrovsk, anchor. Every day, the ship goes a couple of centimeters under the water, and the sailors pump out the water from the holds. Requests to the employer for help remain unanswered.
- During all this time, the owner of the ship owes the team more than 50 thousand dollars. We need to feed our families, and what? - the sailors are indignant. - The owner is trying to accuse us of damaging the ship and cargo. He says our money will be written off for repairs. Not only is the cargo and the ship insured, but we have nothing to do with it. The owner of the ship, whom we have never seen, seems to have no intention of paying any money.
Valery ANTONOV, representative of M&P LIME SHIPPING LTD:
- Literally today we have organized a telephone conversation between the crew and the owner of the ship. We are trying to find a compromise. We understand that people have worked, they should receive money, but there is a problem with that. We offer sailors to go to Kherson to the repair plant, because the steamer will not overwinter. It will go under water and cause an environmental disaster in Dnepropetrovsk. We will soon draw up a debt repayment schedule.
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