What the DELFI tanker looks like now

What the DELFI tanker looks like now

After 240 days on the Odessa coast, Delfi was towed to the Black Sea port. The destroyed tanker hull can be seen from the hills of the neighboring village - the ship looks rather gloomy. It is reported by "Pushkinskaya".

Incidents 3454 07 октября, 2020 Фото: «Пушкинская»

In order to take a closer look at the local "attraction", you need to go to the village of Aleksandrovka. There, on one of the littered hills, the road to which goes through an abandoned house, a view of the lonely Delfi opens.

The tanker itself looks creepy. A huge hole is visible in its right side, and a black strip of oil products clearly shows which half of the vessel was under water and which half was on the surface. The Delfi feed is still surrounded by booms. And the worst thing is that now the tanker really resembles the iron hull of a ship that was wrecked, and not a fun attraction.

Fortunately, in the new location Delfi will not be able to do as much harm to nature as before.

Photos from the storage area of ​​the tanker DELFI

место хранения танкера DELFIместо хранения танкера DELFIместо хранения танкера DELFIместо хранения танкера DELFI

Tanker Delfi crashed near Dolphin beach on November 22, 2019. The tanker was promised to be removed before the start of the holiday season.

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