Nalcor has invested $ 11.8 million. In seismic research offshore Newfoundland and Labrador

Nalcor has invested $ 11.8 million. In seismic research offshore Newfoundland and Labrador

Nalcor Energy Oil & Gas, has announced that it will continue to invest in the acquisition of its 2nd seismic survey vessel. Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

World News 2704 17 мая, 2014

In 2011, Nalcor Energy, as part of its strategy to encourage greater international investment and lower barriers for new oil and gas companies, and with the support of $ 20 million planned for geophysical exploration, as the Plan's energy strategic business issue partnered with global seismic companies TGS and Petroleum Geo-Services (OGS) to complete an extensive, three-year 2nd seismic acquisition and acquisition program offshore US. That program captured 47,000 kilometers of 2D data line over one million square kilometers. The new program, announced this week, will detail this initial work.

The new survey will cover areas in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador that show prospectivity based on the survey from the previous year, and it will also expand along the southern coast of the island into inclined and deep sea areas where little data was previously collected. It will also cover areas that will be included in the new planned land tenure system announced by the Canadian Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Council at the end of 2013.

“This new data - acquired pre-license round-off - will enable resource potential assessments by the world's leading exploration companies prior to submitting license proposals around,” said Jim Keating, VP Oil and Gas, Nalcor Energy. “The combination of pre-competitive data and targeted license rounds was the missing piece from Canada's offshore system. This will lead to more company interest and more competitive license rounds. ”

Overview - Seismic and multi-sensor gravity data acquisition and acquisition using GeoStreamer technology, on two ships, to acquire more than 30,000 kilometers of data. M / W Senco Spirit will begin acquiring and accumulating data in June for the Labrador Sea and Northeast Flemish Newfoundland areas of the Pass. The M / AT Atlantic Explorer will begin work in the Tail of the Bank area of ​​the Southeast Greater Newfoundland Bank starting in July. GeoStreamer data processing will be performed by TGS and final data will be available to the industry by Q3 2015.

“To help spark interest in Newfoundland and offshore Labrador, Nalcor with seed funding from the Offshore Geophysical Data Program, is strategically investing in new seismic data as well as providing additional analysis and exploration work to data license holders. We ensure that this new data is available to the broadest company of researchers in a certain sense, which will enable them to see the potential of prospectivity while lowering their entry risks. This is what the more successful fields of research are doing around the world. ” said Keating.

The area has invested $ 17.3 million offshore since 2009 through its Geocience Offshore Data Program, and a further $ 1 million was planned for geophysical exploration in fiscal 2014-15. In addition, since 2009, Nalcor Energy has invested $ 12 million of its oil revenues in geophysical exploration programs to help spur global spending in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. This investment has seen the offshore Labrador's basin area more than double in size.

Three new deepwater basins (Chidley, Holton and Henley) have been identified and the previously established Hawk Basin has substantially increased in size. Many types of play (rock formations that can hold oil resources) have been identified that are similar to those that have led to some of the leading discoveries in other areas of the world. Nalcor has combined this investment with focused marketing and is committed to bringing this information to the most capable and successful research companies. Nolkor's investment in exploration geophysical research initiatives for 2014-15 is projected at $ 11.8 million.

“Nalcor reports insights from its exploration strategy to the global oil and gas industry,” Keating said. “When Nalcor and Natural Resources attends international trade shows and conferences, there is heightened knowledge and interest in the field from the global industry. Although we are in the early stages of our strategy, the feedback is positive and encouraging. International oil and gas companies - paying attention to what's happening in Newfoundland and Labrador. "

Tha Company said that, on behalf of the people of the area, it is currently a working interest partner in three offshore developments: the Hebron oil field, the White Rose
Growth Project and the Hibernia Southern Expansion.

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