In connection with the pandemic, the Maritime Administration decided to extend the validity of the documents of seafarers

In connection with the pandemic, the Maritime Administration decided to extend the validity of the documents of seafarers

In the near future, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will be informed about the decision of the State Service for Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine (Maritime Administration) to extend the validity of qualification documents for seafarers on a voyage expiring in March-April 2020, the Ports of Ukraine website reports.

Fingering of Document 3765 24 марта, 2020 «Порты Украины»

This is stated in the letter of response of the MoRA to the appeal of the Trade Union of Maritime Transport Workers of Ukraine (PRMTU).

“Given the current situation and the introduction in the world and Ukraine of measures to prevent the spread of diseases caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, the issue of the possibility of extending the employment contracts of sailors who are already on a voyage but whose qualification documents have already expired or are about to expire is becoming urgent time. In order to provide the opportunity for such seafarers to continue to perform their functions on ships, shipowners to extend the relevant labor contracts, and issue a confirmation to the flag countries, the Maritime Administration sent a letter to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine with a proposal to contact the Secretariat of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with information that the validity period of qualification documents of seafarers on a voyage,, - the document says.

As noted in the letter, the draft of the relevant appeal to IMO Maritime Administration on Wednesday, March 18, sent to the Ministry of Infrastructure as the core central executive authority.

On March 17, 2020, the IMO issued a circular stating that actions taken worldwide as a result of the outbreak of coronavirus pose serious challenges for IMO member states to ensure the continuous training of seafarers, validate certificates, and issue confirmations for seafarers' working diplomas.

The IMO General Secretariat recommended that Member States (in particular, their competent authorities) and the State Port Control Authority (GIC) take a pragmatic and practical approach with respect to renewing certificates and confirmations for seafarers' working diplomas. Member States are also encouraged to inform IMO of practical measures taken by their competent authorities responsible for issuing maritime documents, as well as local GIC authorities.

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