Ukrainian ship is detained in Greece because of the cargo of cigarettes

Ukrainian ship is detained in Greece because of the cargo of cigarettes

The Ukrainian vessel RS-300 No. 97 with cargo of tobacco products was detained by the coast guard of Greece. Greek authorities claim that the ship is in unsatisfactory technical condition, in addition, they want to find out the origin of the cigarette load. The crew of RS-300 No. 97 consists of seven Ukrainian sailors.

Conflicts 3298 28 ноября, 2016

The vessel followed from Montenegro to Lebanon, but on November 21, as a result of a technical malfunction, it lost its course, after which it was forced to drift. Two crew members were injured as a result of the incident.

On November 24, the Russian anti-submarine ship "Vice Admiral Kulakov" responded to the RS-300 emergency signal No. 97. The ship took the ship in tow and brought it to the island of Gavdos, after which the ship was forwarded to the port of Neapoli on the island of Crete for repairs.

After checking by the local coast guard and subsequent arrest, RS-300 No. 97 was towed to the port of Paleochora Chania, also located in Crete.

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