Крюинг › Dohle Manning Agency (Poland)

Döhle Marine Services Europe
- Гдыня, Batorego 28-32 Str., 1st floor, 81-366 Gdynia, Poland
- 48 58 660 5770; 48 58 660 6099; 48 58 660 8066
- Certificate 909 /
- 0 / оценок: 1
Dohle Manning Agency (Poland) Ltd. is one of the largest Ship Manning Agency in Poland formerly known as Geo-Marine Ltd.
Our name was changed in 2005 to Dohle Manning Agency (Poland) Ltd., providing Corporate Identity with Peter Doehle in Hamburg.
Dohle Manning Agency (Poland) Ltd., provide a full range of sefarers recruitment and commercial services. We are dedicated to achieving the highest levels of service and expertise for our client.
Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Region has registered Doehle Manning Agency (Poland) Ltd. as Employment Agency: Certificate 909, ISO 9001-2008 Quality standard /as continuity of ISO 9001-2000/.
Воспользуйтесь услугой рассылки вашего резюме (CV/AF) во множество крюинговых компаний
- Döhle Manning Agency (Мariupol) Ltd. [Мариуполь]
- Döhle Manning Agency (Sevastopol) Ltd. [Севастополь]
- Doehle Manning Agency (Odessa) Ltd. [Одесса]
- Döhle Yacht Crew [Дуглас]