Crewing › Lubeca Marine

Lubeca Marine

  • Lubeck, Grosse Burgstrasse, 55-57 23552
  • 49-(0)451-290770
  • 3 / оценок: 1

Lubeca Marine Management – the shipmanagement company Lubeca Marine originates from Hongkong and commenced its operation in 1988 with the foundation of Lubeca Marine Management (HK) Ltd. A few years ago the main activities such as Ship- and Crewmanagement have been transferred to L?beck, Germany in order to be closer to our client base.

The main focus of Lubeca Marine Management GmbH + Co. KG is Crewmanagement. We offer competence and years of experience by our dedicated international staff which brings in their knowledge by having worked in various places/positions internationally. We are supported by a world-wide network of Manning Agencies, which, together with their employees and our staff, offer motivated performance around the clock in all time zones. We consider ourselves flexible and offer our clients tailor made management proposals, we are not too big and not too small and are therefore the ideal partners for Shipowners, who wish to have the full range of shipping related services, but on the other hand do not want to subordinate themselves to larger Shipmanagement organisations.

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