Crewing › Brisbane Marine Pilots Pty. Ltd.

Brisbane Marine Pilots Pty. Ltd. (BMP)

  • Brisbane, Suite 2 Argyle Place, 14 Argyle Street Albion Qld 4010 Pilot Station- Lot 22 Parkyn Parade Mooloolaba, QLD 4557
  • +61736246555; +61736246500; +61736246550
  • ISO 14001:2004 / ISO 9001:2008
  • 4 / оценок: 1

Brisbane Marine Pilots Pty Ltd (BMP) provides a pilotage service on behalf of the Queensland Government Agency - Maritime Safety Queensland. It is BMP's vision to manage its business so as to provide a pilotage service that fully addresses all of Maritime Safety Queensland's pilotage requirements. In doing this, it recognises the importance of providing maximum satisfaction to all port stakeholders. BMP maintains an externally accredited management system that focuses on continually improving its service.

BMP's management system is externally certified to 3 standards: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems, AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems. The core business of Brisbane Marine Pilots is to supply professional marine pilots to ships visiting the Port of Brisbane. Appropriate company infrastructure is the prerequisite for the efficient supply of these pilots. The management of BMP's business is located within its modern office premises in Albion, Brisbane. The service is accessible for all port users using modern communication links to maintain a continuous flow of information.

BMP recognise that our people are our biggest asset and strive to develop leading workplaces that maximise their full potential. We achieve this through best practices that demonstrate end to end employee recruitment, on boarding engagement and strong retention which offer our people a career.

We employ approximately 70 people to perform a variety of Pilotage, Management, Administrative, Launch and Operational duties across both our Companies, being Brisbane Marine Pilots and Empilot.

Work/Life Wellbeing

We take the health and wellbeing of our people seriously and encourage all our people to make the most of their entitlements and flexible working arrangements. We offer to find balance between their careers and family including:

- Part time employment
- Flexible hours
- Job share
- Work from home
- Transition to Retirement; all of which need to meet the business requirements to be supported.

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