Crewing › Seafox Group

Сифокс Групп
- Hoofddorp, Zuidtoren Taurusavenue 23 2132 LS
- 31 (0)23 - 554 1313
- 2,7 / оценок: 3
Seafox является ведущей глобальной оффшорной компанией, которая оказывает услуги по поддержке нефтегазовой и возобновляемой промышленности. Мы владеем и исключительно управляем двенадцатью самоподъемными блоками. Клиенты компании извлекают выгоду из нашего богатого опыта в области размещения и поддержки кранов, тестирования скважин и капитального ремонта, транспортировки и установки и снятия с эксплуатации. Кроме того, Seafox предлагает временные жилые помещения для морских офисов и судов.
Since 1991 we have been managing our offshore service support jack-up units around the world providing accommodation, catering and housekeeping services for hook-up and maintenance activities. In addition, our versatile fleet is able to support many other oil & gas and wind related operations as well. Our services also include well testing and workover, transportation and installation, plug and abandonment and decommissioning. We are determined to provide innovative, safe and reliable solutions for our clients through operational excellence.
Key in achieving this is the combination of our units and procedures with the dedication, knowledge and experience of our onshore and offshore personnel. Therefore the Seafox units come with a professional crew which a has strong operational philosophy and heritage. Seafox is a dedicated and professional organization with a strong focus on quality and safety on all levels. Shore-based staff as well as marine crew consist of highly-qualified, fully-trained and quality & safety-conscious professionals.