Crewing › Bark Marine Agency

Барк Марин Агенси
- Mariupol, пр. Лунина, 12/2
- 38 (0629) 53-02-84/85
- АВ 585165 МТиСПУ / 31.05.2012
- 3,4 / оценок: 20
Bark Marine Agency is a Crew Manning Agency, which has been successfully working in the market of marine personnel recruitment since the year of 1992.
BMA Crewing pursues a policy of recruiting, training and retaining highly skilled crew to meet all the necessary requirements of Ship owners.
We believe that, in addition to the reliability and quality for which BMA services are known, this approach is crucial to the future strategy, growth and development of our business.
As a measure towards maintaining the high quality of BMA shipping operations and services, we control directly the selection and employment of seafarers and on-shore personnel.
BMA invests in efficient training facilities to enhance the reliability of our infrastructure and services. We believe in developing knowledge and skills that, while helping people achieve individual goals and job satisfaction, contribute to the resources, strategy and success of our company.
For now, we have our crew personnel database containing more than 8000 seamen, which increases daily.