Crewing › Haven Marine Ship Management Ltd

Haven Marine Ship Management

  • Suffolk, 50 Commercial Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 2TE.
  • 44 (0) 1502 516722
  • 5 / оценок: 1

The Managing Director of Haven Marine Ship Management Ltd, has developed a reputation for excellence within the Marine Offshore Industry, and is committed to becoming the ship owners' preferred ship management company through innovation and continual improvement. Our experienced professionals, ashore and on board, operate in accordance with the shipping industry's highest standards.

We are committed foremost to every aspect of safety and protection of the environment. Located On the east coast of the UK, Haven Marine Ship Management Ltd offers a comprehensive marine management service to the International Marine Industry. In a highly competitive environment a dedication to quality brings economic advantages. Our adherence to the Quality Management System means that shall prioritise the long term interests of our clients. This means acting with foresight and integrity, especially in our primary role as providers of Ship Management Service. - See more at:

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