Crewing › Scandinavian Maritime Services AB

Scandinavian Maritime Services AB

  • Norrkoping, Kofferdigatan, SE 602 28 Norrkцping, Sweden
  • +46 11 155680; fax: +46 11 155681
  • 5 / оценок: 1

Scandinavian Maritime Services AB, established 1993, is a family owned company which offers services for customers in many sectors of the maritime community. 

Our services include:

Ship registration in Cook Islands
-We are representatives and inspectors for the flag
-We are Recognised Security Organisation (RSO) for the flag
-Deputy Registrar in our office
-We (our office) have agents and inspectors in several European countries. The Registry has inspectors world-wide


We can via close associates in several European and Asian countries arrange crewmembers to your ships.
Please send us your requirements incl details of the ship and trading area.

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