Crewing › Glomar Shipmanagement BV

Glomar Offshore B.V. (Glomar)

  • Den Helder, Het Nieuwe Diep 34A3
  • 31223-525-030
  • 3,1 / оценок: 20

Glomar Offshore B.V. (Glomar) is a private owned company based in Den Helder, The Netherlands, and operates a diverse fleet of purpose built offshore support vessels, which meet exceedingly high standards in safety and operational capabilities. A dedicated team of talented ship management professionals uses quality management tools such as the ISM Code, ISO 9001, FPAL and the IMO/ILO marine operations guidelines to safeguard operations at sea and onshore. Dutch guidelines such as those provided by the Netherlands Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA) are used in the Oil & Gas industry for works on the Dutch Continental shelf, whereas in UK waters, Oil & Gas UK (OGUK) guidelines are used.

Glomar is the leading provider of Safety Standby Vessels (SVV’s) to the Dutch offshore Oil & Gas sector, and we also operate Emergency Response and Rescue Vessels (ERRVS’s) in the UK sector. Furthermore, Glomar also provides:

  • Guard Vessel Operations
  • Offshore Accommodation support
  • ROV/Survey Support Operations
  • Dive Support Operations
  • Offshore Renewable Energy support
  • Seismic Support Operations
  • Decommissioning Support

We are dedicated to building long lasting partnerships with both our clients and suppliers, by providing tailor-made services designed around client’s requirements and needs. When doing so, we always strive for the highest standards in Health, Safety and Environmental management.

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