Crewing › Biscaybay Shipping Agency

Biscaybay Shipping Agency
- Buko, Centre urdinadour - Avenue Louis de Foix, Boucau - ZA du Bas - 64340
- 33 559 562 758; 33 559 557 304; 33 631 424 957
- 5 / оценок: 1
Biscay Bay Shipping Agency, independent and responsible for its own port operations, is delighted to offer a turnkey solution for all your ship’s port of call stopover requirements - ensuring speed, profitability and efficiency.
Our consignees can handle all trade, technical and administrative operations, in accordance with your instructions, optimising exploitation of your ships transiting through Bayonne port.
We offer a great service. A win-win situation.
Biscay Bay Shipping Agency will be proud to represent you at Bayonne port.