Crewing › Petronav Ship Management ltd

Петронав Шип Менаджемент Лимитед
- Limassol, 145-149 Chr. Hadjipavlou Str., Christiel Building, 4 th Floor, 3036 Limassol - Cyprus
- +357 25889100; fax:+357 25346289
- 4,9 / оценок: 8
Petronav Ship Management Limited (PSL), established in 1998, offers comprehensive shipmanagement services.
Located in Limassol, Cyprus, PSL aims to provide cost-efficient, environmentally-sound and high quality services with a long-term perspective, high technical skills and safety awareness.
Petronav is focused on recruiting the best possible staff, contributing towards a high performance level of the vessels. Training of PSL's seafarers is a continuous process, both ashore and on board.
By recognizing the vital importance and contribution of quality personnel to organizations, both at sea and ashore, crewmembers are carefully selected and prospective applicants cautiously screened to verify their experience, competence, fitness and comprehension of English prior to enlistment.