Crewing › A.T.T. Bermudas

А.Т.Т. Бермудас
- Sevastopol, ул. Ленина, 48
- +7(8692)535164;fx.+7(8692)930749
- АВ 547320 МТиСПУ / 02.12.2010
- 4,1 / оценок: 9
Crewing Marine Agency «A.T.T. Bermudas» is a private company existing since 1993 year has his own registered offices in Mariupol & Odessa.
Since its foundation in 1993 the company has been specializing in recruitment of seafarers for our partners and from the beginning was the only one private enterprise coming into the crewing market of Mariupol.
The professional skills of our staff made us the biggest, reputable crewing agency in the region and the experience of our worldwide activity shows that we are the Company that seamen and ship owners can trust.
Providing the highly skilled service we have gained good results. During the last years we continuously have around 500 seafarers working on different types of vessels: dry cargo and container ships, bulk and timber carriers, tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, Reefers and tugs.
Our Ukrainian seafarers are well known around the world and the number of them working under foreign flags is the third highest after Philippines and Russians.
Use the service of sending your resume (CV/AF) in a variety of crewing companies
- A.T.T. Bermudas [Mariupol]
- A.T.T. Bermudas [Kerch]
- A.T.T. Bermudas [Zaporozhye]
- A.T.T. Bermudas [Odessa]