The Royal Navy of Canada launched a program for installing Wi-Fi access points on frigates of the Halifax class and ships of the coastal zone such as Kingston. This is reported by Naval Today on Tuesday, August 8.
The Royal Navy of Canada launched a program for installing Wi-Fi access points on frigates of the Halifax class and ships of the coastal zone such as Kingston. This is reported by Naval Today on Tuesday, August 8.
Photo: Toronto frigate (class "Halifax"), Canadian Navy / Ua-ru.info
When ships are near the shore, sailors can connect to the network from smartphones and tablets, thanks to the availability of cellular communications. However, at the time of going to sea, they are deprived of such an opportunity. This problem will be solved by installing Wi-Fi access points receiving a signal from the satellite.
"If Wi-Fi allows sailors to keep in touch with family and friends while away from home, it will help them not to feel detached from the normal world," said the commander of the Canadian Navy's development department, Commander Casper Donovan.
The Canadian fleet command hopes that the introduction of Wi-Fi will increase the attractiveness of service on warships, especially when it comes to youth.
"Young Canadians today can not live without their phones, why do we think they can do without them on the ship?" We gradually hope to expand the coverage of Wi-Fi to connect to the network anywhere in the world, "added Commander Donovan .
As a pilot project, Wi-Fi was installed on the frigate Toronto and tested during the Rendez-vous 2017 exercise in mid-July. According to Casper Donovan, the ship's crew reacted extremely positively. One of the sailors immediately after the connection wrote to the twitter: "The presence of Wi-Fi is pretty cool!".
"After the technical specifications are finalized in September, another ship will receive Wi-Fi, as soon as we are convinced that the system is being tuned, we will install wireless access points on other ships," concluded Commander Donovan.
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