• Ява, JL.Pemuda No 17C, KENDAL - Central Java
  • 6281281-161-199
  • OP-DN/02 JUN 2003/LN-DN/RI /
  • 3 / оценок: 1

PT. DEUSDOMAR GLOBAL is a manning agency in central-Java (Indonesian) with a long and huge experience in maritime human resources management and shore based specialist recruitment. Our Company offers crewing services to the highest standards, in accordance with STCW`95 a comprehensive mandatory course imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) We perform our duty in an efficient manner with Qualified Indonesian Seafarers At All Ranks. PT. DEUSDOMAR GLOBAL has been engaged in providing well-trained skillful seamen for different type of fishing vessels (Tuna Longline, Bottom Long Line, Trawl, Shrimp Trawl, Purse Seine etc.). The rank in fishing vessel such as : Chief Enginer, 2nd Enginer, Greaser, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, Chief of Cook, 2nd of Cook, 1st Bosun, 2nd Bosun, Ice Man, Deck Hand etc.). Most of our seamen are fluent in Spanish, English and possess all the necessary professional skills, knowledges and documents required for working onboard ships managed by wide range of employers. We are recruiting qualified seafarers. All of candidates are screened carefully and undergo psychological examinations, to ensure our Principals and Clients the most qualified seafarers available. We also conduct through verification of candidate’s documents, to ensure that this certifications, qualification, experience and documents are valid and legal. The pre-employment medical examinations of seafarers are conducted at the special Seamen Medical Centre (PURI MEDIKA) to ensure that the staff we supply to the shipowners are duly fit for duty. All seamen are subject to an Alcohol and Drug abuse screening test and aware of the drug, alcohol and smuggling forbidden policies applies at the international regulation.

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