Крюинг › RASMAN Ltd.


  • Таллин, Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 4a-20
  • 37253-332-250
  • Reg. nr. 11396113 KMKR: EE101155812 /
  • 0 / оценок: 1

RASMAN Ltd. is Ship Repair & Supply Company which was established in 2007. to serve vessels calling to Baltic Sea ports. For today, we provide ship supply and technical services in Baltic-, North-, Mediterranean-, as well as Black Sea region. We focus on ship hull, mechanical, pipe and aluminium works, also willing and able to do electrical and interior works.

Our qualified and skilled workforce will guarantee the best performance and price for ship owners specific needs. We are supplying marine fuels and lubricants in all Baltic Sea ports with bunker barge and modern tank trucks. RASMAN Group would like to be a reliable partner to provide high EU quality and precise deadlines. 

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