Крюинг › А1 Маяк Черного Моря

A1 Lighthouse Of The Black Sea

  • Одесса, ул. Катерининская, д. 8, офис 2a
  • 38(048)7293093;(048)7294978
  • АВ 519066 МТиСПУ / 26.03.2010
  • 0 / оценок: 1

The crewing Company A1 Lighthouse of the Black Sea (A1LBS) was founded in 1997 and is located in the historical central part of the City of Odessa. Our relatively small family owned enterprise A1LBS continues to operate successfully despite tough competition on the crewing market here in Odessa. This is in great measure because of unique priority it has over other similar companies.

A1LBS has a large database with regard to seafarers with more than 8,000 certified seafarers on the list, 80% of which are Officers. Of late the A1LBS has been supplying crewmembers to the vessels of the following shipping companies: Hanseatic Shipping Company, Cyprus; Aug. Bolten, WM. Miller's Nachfolger (GmbH & Co.), Hamburg; Gezairi Chatering and Shipping Company, Beirut; Lydia Mar Shipping Co.SA, Greece, Zodiac, RCCL, etc.

We are also conducting talks with European Shipowners

A1LBS can offer a full range of crewing services, which among others include:

  • Recruitment of qualified, medically fit and duly certified officers and ratings for ships of all types and sizes,
  • Thorough crew screening and selection by Special Panel of Experts and in accordance with the STCW 1995 requirements,
  • Arrangements for Visas and other traveling documents,
  • Arrangement of safe and effective crew planning, organizing and crew changes,
  • Processing of documents (STCW 95, foreign endorsements to Cert of Comp, medical cert., seaman's books, etc.),
  • Organization of specialized training including on ISM Code as per the Owner's requirements,
  • Provision of any kind of repairs to ships by repair teams for ship owners and shipyards.

We are willing to expand our activities and we'll be happy to work with your Company, with the possibility of becoming your exclusive representative in Ukraine.

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