Крюинг › Caspian Ocean LLP

Caspian Ocean LLP

  • Актау, Microdistrict 2, Block 47 "B" "Sunkar" Business Centre - office 719
  • +7(7292) 54 52 28;+7(7292) 54 52 30
  • 3,2 / оценок: 12

Caspian Ocean LLP has been created on the voluntary basis and is operating on the basis of the Civil Code and other applicable legislations of Republic of Kazakhstan.

Caspian Ocean LLP is registered as the subject of middle enterprise in Department of Justice of Mangistau region and is located at the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Mangistau region, Aktau, 2d microdistrict, building № 47B, business centre "Sunkar",office № 719.

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