Крюинг › Blue Ocean Argentina S.R.L. (BoA)

Blue Ocean Argentina S.R.L. (BoA)

  • Буэнос-Айрес, Juan B. Justo 1219, Vicente Lopez Buenos Aires, CP 1602.
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Blue Ocean Argentina S.R.L. (BoA) is based with its main offices in the heart of South America in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. With branches in Uruguay and Chile we provide both our clients and future candidates more flexibility for applying for future employment. BoA is a recruiting agency for crew who are interested to work for either Norwegian Cruise Line or Regent Seven Seas Cruises.

BoA initiated its activities in early 2007 with Norwegian Cruise Line as our first client and in 2008 with Regent Seven Seas Cruises. 4 Years providing qualified personnel to Norwegian Cruise Line NCL (Bahamas) LTD and Regent Seven Seas Cruises!

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