Крюинг › International Ship Management Agency, Ltd.
International Ship Management Agency
- Буэнос-Айрес, San Martin 66, office 505 Buenos Aires Argentina
- 54-11-4343-4410; 56-32-2212425
- 0 / оценок: 1
International Ship Management Agency, Ltd. (I.S.M.), is a company founded in 1987. It is highly recognized in the cruise industry for its high dedication and motivation to assist the needs of shipping companies. Since its foundation, more than 6000 people have obtained positions in some of the companies which do business with l.S.M. International Ship Management Agency, Ltda. (I.S.M.), since its introduction to the business of professional formation of crewmembers has opened the possibilities to consent to positions in cruise ships, always excelling as the main representative in Latin America for providing the best qualified personnel for this type of maritime activity.
The growth of demand and professional requirements to apply for positions in passenger ships, have encouraged the companies to give the best training to future crewmembers. It is our interest that the prestige of Latin American workers and especially Chilean personnel achieves the top level of excellency.