Крюинг › Эпсилон Мариуполь

Epsilon Maritime Servises

  • Мариуполь, пр. Нахимова, 162
  • 38(0629)401627; 371200
  • АВ 547300 МТиСПУ / 06.10.2010
  • 2 / оценок: 1

Epsilon is a dedicated provider of quality crewing and training solutions to the most discerning Principals.

Today, Epsilon is privileged to be the crew and training provider of choice for an elite group of the most demanding shipping companies, as well as being a long-serving member of key maritime organizations. We manage crewing affairs for more than 440 vessels, we deploy approximately 5,000 seafarers at any point in time, and we train more than 1,000 seafarers on a monthly basis.

Epsilon crew management package is a holistic and comprehensive solution that takes care of all crewing parameters & issues. Related responsibilities that consume money, time and energy for a Ship Owner/Manager are managed by us and this allows clients to focus on other operational issues. Our Operations, Travel, Agency, Training and Accounts departments coordinate to ensure the seamless deployment of crewing operations for your vessels.

Given that crewing is a function of high complexity and critical importance for the operational efficiency of one’s vessels, Epsilon carefully plans and develops related solutions which offer peace of mind for the Ship Owner/Manager while at the same time retaining full and absolute control from the client’s side.

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