Крюинг › Альянс Навигейшн

Alliance Navigation

  • Херсон, ул. Перекопская, 66
  • +38(0552)444574
  • АЕ 272371 МТиСПУ / 11.12.2013
  • 3,4 / оценок: 5

Alliance Navigation crewing agency was founded in 2000 in Kherson – one of the main concentration points of marine human resources in Ukraine. The Company is certified by Bureau Veritas in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standards and has Certificate of Compliance of MLC 2006.

Alliance Navigation crewing agency gives next services:

  • arrange renewal of seafarer’s documentation and additional training
  • arrange medical examination including drug/alcohol/blade test and vaccination, provided by the duly licensed Ukrainian Marine Medical centre
  • supply with the working clothes and uniform with Principal’s logo
  • arrange flag state applications
  • receipt of visas
  • booking of international and internal airline tickets

We successfully cooperate with shipping companies for employment of Ukrainian seamen for their vessels and guarantee immediate response to the Principal, dynamic approach to any problem and quick mobilization of required persons.

We are truly interested in cooperating with you.

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