Крюинг › Агентство МИТ-Океан

MIT-Ocean MS Ltd (Head Office)

  • Одесса, 2Bld, 25th Chapayevskoy Divizii Str., office 304
  • Tel/Fax: +380 487 853803
  • АВ 327041 МТиСПУ / 24.05.2007
  • 3,5 / оценок: 6

Crewing Company "MIT-Ocean MS" Ltd is one of stable companies in Ukraine and has already gained almost 23-years positive experience in this field of business.

We have great database of qualified marine specialists who have certificates in compliance with STCW-Code'95 and IMO Regulations; they have positive experience on the vessels of foreign Companies and good English knowledge.

The Certificate MLC 2006 # 75637(Greek Shipping) proves the quality of our services.

The Head Office of "MIT-Ocean MS" Ltd is situated in Odessa

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