Крюинг › SMT Shipping Ltd

SMT Shipmanagement and Transport Ltd sp. zo.o

  • Гдыня, ul. Parkowa 46 , Sopot
  • 48585-207-272
  • 3,4 / оценок: 8

Who we are SMT Shipping is the client’s choice for full service logistics solutions in bulk and break bulk maritime transport. For over 25 years, SMT Shipping has provided reliable handling of cargo through self-loading/discharging bulk carriers, pneumatic cement carriers, and trans-shippers. SMT Shipping provides multi-layered solutions for the effective handling of many types of bulk cargo. We offer expertise in both shore-based and vessel transport operations, and we approach our client’s complex logistics challenges with professionalism and creativity.

SMT’s safety record has been honored by the US Coast Guard and recognized by other regulating agencies throughout the world. We maintain a vigilant commitment to the safety of our people, our vessels, and the environment. SMT always takes a long-term investment approach in business, building long-term relationships with customers, business partners, and service providers.

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