Крюинг › Weco Marine Services Sp. z o.o.
Weco Marine Services Sp. z o.o.
- Гдыня, ul. Starowiejska 17 / 4
- 48586-617-682
- 0 / оценок: 1
Our Company was established in 1995 firstly under name of Dannebrog Rederi AS – Office Poland and since January 2000 as Weco Marine Services Ltd.
We provide crew manning services both for Dannenbrog Group vessels, likewise for several reputable Shipmanagers and Shipowners for most of the types of vessels (including Oil /Chemical and Crude Oil Tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, Off Shore and Passenger vessels).
As the active member of APMAR (Association of Marine Agents ad Owners Representatives) and IMEC (International Maritime Employers Committee) we have the perfect ability for being both involved, likewise having great overview on the development of the shipping industry requirements. Therefore Polish seafarers recruited by us fulfil in all respect the highest maritime industry standards. We do also closely cooperate with Maritime Academies in order to secure the appropriate level of manpower for our clients in future.
Employment conditions are based on Collective Bargaining Agreements or Owners’ agreements, offering market competitive terms and fulfilling entirely the industry standards (including the MLC 2006 requirements).
Pending of the shipowners requirements we do render also various additional services (including but not limited to arrangements of: travel, visas arrangements, Flag State Endorsements, various internal trainings and seminars)