Крюинг › Phoenocean Ltd

Phoenocean Ltd

  • Варшава, 96 Pańska, 96 Street, Appartment, 82, 00-837 WARSAW
  • +48 22 621 95 91; +48 22 24 17 40; Fax: +48 22 629 68 83
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Year 1991

Phoenocean Ltd has been set in Poland in 1991 being one of the first crewing agencies In Poland recruiting Polish officers and ratings to work onboard on foreign flag vessels (bulk carriers, chemical and product tankers, crude oil tankers). In the middle of 90-ties the range of services has been increased by supply of flying repair teams (welders, sandblasters, fitters and electricians) on foreign flag vessels as well as delivery of spare parts.

From the beginning of its activity Phoenocean Ltd assists cadets and graduates of Maritime Academies in Gdynia and Szczecin in completing practical trainings on foreign flag vessels.

Year 2004

The next turning point in Phoenocean activity took place In 2004 when we entered in cooperation with worldly renowned Reederei Claus Peter Offen – Hamburg supplying officers of all ranks and cadets/graduates from Polish Maritime Academies and then in 2008 supplying officers of all ranks to the newly established shipping company Claus Peter Offen Tankschiffreederei (Offen Tankers) on product tankers of 36k DWT and 52k DWT and cape size bulkcarriers. 

Year 2006

Launched a branch in Gdynia in order to achieve easier handling of seamen, as well as more direct contact with all institutions of the sea: universities, training centers, insurance companies and health centers associated with these activities. 

Year 2011

In 2011 Phoenocean has been audited and certified according to MLC-2006 standards with every year renewal procedure.

Throughout all these 25 years of Phoenocean activity we supplied also shore specialists like coded duplex and superduplex welders, pipe fitters, surveyors, electricians for different works ashore connected mainly with oil and gas industry.

Phoenocean Ltd is a member of APMAR – organisation which associated most of the crewing agencies In Poland and Labor Mobility Initiative which activity is dedicated to the supply of shore specialists mainly within EU countries.

Phoenocean Ltd acts on the basis of the certificates issued by Minister of Economy and Work.

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