Крюинг › Svitzer AS

Svitzer AS

  • Копенгаген, Sundkaj 9, Pakhus 48, 2150, Nordhavn
  • +45 39 19 39 19; Fax: +45 39 19 39 09
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Головной офис Svitzer

Svitzer’s 430 vessels provide safe and reliable tailor made marine services to LNG terminals, ports and oil & gas terminals around the world. We put our vast experience at our customers’ disposal to plan and execute smooth and undisrupted operations in all conditions.

Svitzer is a global company with 4,000 employees the world over. We offer a wide variety of career options both at sea and on land – and as part of the Maersk Group we can guarantee you’ll never run out of exciting challenges, if you choose to invest your career with us.


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