Крюинг › Lalemant NV

Lalemant NV

  • Гент, Doornzelestraat, 71, 9000 Gent
  • +32 9 235 56 11; Fax: +32 9 225 17 43
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Lalemant continuously looking for the next opportunity to improve our services, the group has expanded its activities as well as locations throughout the decades in order to meet customer’s needs and follow the market trends. 

As it stands today, we have departments specialised in chartering, barging, agency, forwarding and trucking meaning we can fully handle your door-to-door transport requirements.

In the current globalised economy, with its high tendency to veer towards the monopolisation of businesses, we are large enough to handle longstanding and hefty contracts but small enough to care, all the while provide a highly personalised service. We are one of the only companies in our sector providing such a personalised approach on an international scale.

As your agent we are the link between ship-owners, charterers, stevedores and port authorities. Our dynamic and dedicated team is at your service and combines over 100 years experience in the sector. We cover all Belgian ports and aim to make your stay an enjoyable and efficient one whilst catering to your every need 24/7.

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