Крюинг › EDT Offshore Ltd

EDT Agency Services Ltd.
- Лимасол, Limassol 4044, Cyprus
- +357 25 899000; fax: +357 25 899002
- ISO : 9001 /
- 2,8 / оценок: 5
EDT Offshore began operations in Limassol, Cyprus in 1980 as ship managers and operators. After more than thirty years of work dedicated to achieving world-class standards, EDT has become a highly successful and well respected organisation.
EDT is a supplier of high specification offshore support vessels to the Oil and Gas industry worldwide. Additionally our vessels support survey, diving and ROV operations and have assisted in military and civilian aircraft wreckage recoveries. From its home port of Limassol EDT also provides services to the local Oil and Gas industry such as Shorebase facilities, a dedicated quay, a heliport and ships agency services.
Our commitment to continuous improvement is reflected in our ongoing investment in new buildings, the upgrade of our existing vessels, staff training and implementation of the latest technology.