Крюинг › Стар Круизес

Star Cruises

  • Гонконг,
  • +38(0654)232739; +38(095)4878730; +(852)23177711
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Star Cruises is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Genting Hong Kong, a leading global leisure, entertainment and hospitality corporation. A pioneer in the Asia Pacific cruise industry, Star Cruises has been operating its fleet since 1993, taking on the bold initiative to grow the region as an international cruise destination with a fleet of six vessels including SuperStar Virgo, SuperStar Libra, SuperStar Gemini, SuperStar Aquarius, Star Pisces and The Taipan.

Постоянно требуется обслуживающий персонал для работы на круизных судах компании STAR CRUISES.

Офисы Asia Pacific Cruises:

tel.png Tel: +(853) 800 022
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon - Sat)

tel.png Tel: 400 849 9848
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon – Sun)

tel.png Tel: +(65) 6223 0002
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon - Sun)

Kuala Lumpur
tel.png Tel: +(60) 3 2302 1288
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon - Sun)

tel.png Tel: +(60) 4 263 1128
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon - Sun)

Kota Kinabalu
tel.png Tel: +(60) 88 255 238
(9 am to 6 pm, Mon - Sun)

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