Крюинг › UltraShip Crewing Phils, Inc.

UltraShip Crewing Phils, Inc.

  • Манила, 3rd Floor NAESS House 2215 Leon Guinto St. Malate Manila
  • 63 2 521-3190;6325213191
  • 0 / оценок: 1

The company’s head office is located in Gentofte, Denmark. It is responsible for the strategic development of the company, commercial and operational activities including overall risk management. In order to provide customers with the best possible commercial service the fleet is divided in two gas segments with the commercial operation from two locations. The vessels below 15,000 cbm are managed by the associated company UNIGAS International BV, in Rotterdam, whereas the vessels from 15,000 cbm the so-called handy size vessels are commercially managed by Ultragas ApS from its head office in Denmark. In addition to undertaking the commercial management of its own handysize vessels Ultragas ApS also undertakes commercial management for external partners. Crewing and technical functions are currently handled through the use of third party management services. However due to the fleet growth plan and a desire to control these areas via own dedicated staff, the company is in the process of establishing own in-house crewing and technical management services. It is expected that the first vessel will be managed by own technical organization in second quarter 2014. The intention long term is that the in-house technical services will offer services and assistance to the entire Ultranav group.

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