Крюинг › Euroservice Sp. Ltd

Euroservice Sp. Ltd

  • Гданьск, 80-336 Gdańsk, Poland ul. Czyżewskiego 40
  • (+48 058) 552 2081
  • 3,7 / оценок: 3

euroservice Ltd. Company carries out the inspection of quality, quantity, goods and packaging condition, assesses the suitability of means of transport for carrying specific cargoes and finally performs research and evaluations. While rendering our services we provide our Clients with professional information on the condition, quantity and quality of their goods at key points of the transfer, hence minimising the risk of shortages or quality deterioration. Basing on own results of inspection the Company issues reports and certificates which are used for clearing commercial transactions, but also accepted by customs and revenue authorities as well as insurance companies. euroservice Ltd. Company has its branches in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin and Małaszewicze, however it operates all over Poland. The Company also carries out assessments outside Poland, in the territory of a number of countries of Europe and the world. We cooperate with reputable inspection companies worldwide. Euroservice is a member of international organizations: GAFTA and FOSFA. Experts employed by euroservice Ltd. perform assessments of various goods, however our speciality is the inspection of chemicals, minerals and agricultural goods.

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