Крюинг › PUPS Chemiki Ltd

PUPS Chemiki Ltd
- Гдыня, 4 Chemikow Str. 80-550 Gdansk
- (+48) 58 772 74 70
- 0 / оценок: 1
Przedsiebiorstwo Uslug Przedladunkowo-Skladowych "Chemiki" Sp. z o.o.
Handling And Storing Services Company
The Cargo Handling and Storage Services "Chemiki" Ltd had been established on July 1, 1991 as a result of an initiative taken by a group of employees based in the area supported by the Port of Gdansk Authority SA. Since its foundation, the company has been seated in Gdansk at 4 Chemikow Street. "Chemiki" Ltd is situated in the area owned by the Port of Gdansk and is operating on the grounds leased from the Port of Gdansk Authority SA and also from the Gdansk Phosphatic Fertilizers Plant "FOSFORY" Ltd. The range of services provided includes cargo handling based on two handling quays: Chemikow Quay and Przemyslowe Quay that offer specialized handling equipment. 2 gantry cranes Q=20 tonnes 2 bulk cargo portal cranes Q=8 tonnes 2 general cargo portal cranes Q=3 tonnes dry cargo loader 2 rail scales Q~100 t truck scale Q~60 t The machinery park includes: 7 BOBCAT frontal loaders 5 fork pilers 2 tractors 4 low loading trailers 20 tonnes Additionally, the machinery park includes 3 delivery cars: VW TRANSPORTER, VW CANDY, MULTICAR The main business activities conducted by "Chemiki" Ltd cover handling and storage services of both dry and liquid bulk cargo such as dry fertilizers, molasses, feldspar, soda, sulphuric and hydrochloric acid, soda lye and others, as well as cargo packed in units like big bags or pallets.