Крюинг › Универсал Сервис Украина, ООО

Universal Service Сompany

  • Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога 92/94 офис 417
  • 38(048)7842353; 38(048)784235; 38(0482)375554
  • AB 585006 / МТиСПУ
  • 5 / оценок: 1

Universal Service company has been audited on voluntary basis and that it complies with the requirement of Regulation 1.4, Standart A 1.4 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 .Our company has received a Certificate of Compliance issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. By 2012 we have more than 14500 qualified seamen in our database who work in the international maritime business".

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