Крюинг › Poompuhar shipping Co. Ltd.

Poompuhar shipping Co. Ltd.

  • Ченнаи, No. 692 Anna Salai,M.H.U. Complex, Nandanam
  • 91442433 0162/0505/0807
  • 0 / оценок: 1

To overcome the problem posed by surface movement of thermal coal required by Thermal Power Stations (TPS) of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) for sustaining power generation activity, the Government of Tamil Nadu decided in December, 1973 to create an agency in the State Sector for organizing ocean movement of coal. Pursuant to the decision, POOMPUHAR SHIPPING CORPORATION LIMITED (PSC) was incorporated on 11th April, 1974 under the Companies Act, 1956.

In the formative period, following its incorporation, the Company carried on its coal moving activity with the help of two second-hand vessels (m.v. Tamil Anna with a capacity of 7750 DWT acquired on 9th December, 1974 and m.v. Tamil Periyar with a capacity of 11250 DWT acquired on 20th December, 1974) which were finally scrapped in January, 1979 and February, 1981 respectively, in view of their uneconomic operations.

Since the decommissioning of the two second-hand vessels, the Company persisted with the arrangement of transporting coal to TNEB’s Thermal Power Stations through vessels taken on time charter.

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