Крюинг › MSI Shipping Co. Pte Ltd

MSI Ship Management Pte Ltd

  • Сингапур, 100 Beach Road, #21-06 Shaw Tower, Singapore
  • +65 6517 2400; fax: +65 6223 4293
  • 4 / оценок: 2

Our vision is to bring sustainable value to our clients so that we can enable their ships to run safely, efficiently and profitably. Our ultimate goal is to be a valued strategic partner of our owners and be the key enabler for their continuous profitable growth.

MSI today has a wide range of quality owners from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Europe and USA. Our customers range from one of the world’s largest mining companies to trading houses, supply chain managers and traditional ship owners. MSI is committed to deliver the highest quality services to our valued customers regardless of their size or origin.

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