Крюинг › НМС Круинг, ООО

NMS Crewing, Ltd.

  • Владивосток, ул. Пограничная, 15-В
  • + 7(423)2 432 172; fax: + 7(423)2 404 915; +7 (423) 2 404 918
  • Сер.25 № 01451520 МинРФНС / 04.07.2003
  • 0 / оценок: 1

NMS Crewing Co., Ltd., were established on the 04-th of July, 2003. Our office is located in Vladivostok City and connected with different areas. Needless to mention that our agency is treated to be convenient for crew changes in the Pacific area. Availability of General Consulates in our city looks also attractive.

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