Крюинг › Northern Offshore Ltd

Northern Offshore

  • Хьюстон, 575 N. Dairy Ashford, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77079
  • +1 713-739-7686
  • 3,2 / оценок: 4

Dear Stakeholders and Friends, On August 5, 2015, Northern Offshore announced it had been acquired by Shandong Offshore Company, LTD. (SDOC) implemented by way of an Amalgamation as allowed under Bermuda law. The assets of Northern Offshore will be combined with an affiliated company, Blue Ocean Drilling under management by Northern Offshore Ltd. The Company is pleased to announce that the combined company has six (6) high specification jackup drilling units under construction with deliveries in late 2016 through 2017/early 2018.

In addition, the Company has two harsh standard jackups and a floating production unit in the North Sea as well as a semisubmersible drilling unit and moored drillship in the MEA. The Company is presently updating its website which will be launched in the very near future. For inquiries, please continue to contact us at any of our office locations or by email. We are very excited about the future at Northern Offshore and we thank you for your patience while this website is under construction.

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