Крюинг › Bouvet Shipping Management Corporation (BSMC)

Bouvet Shipping Management Corporation

  • Макати, 2F Exchange Corner Building. #107 V.A. Rufino St. cor. Esteban & Bolanos Street, Legazpi Village, Makati City, Phils.
  • (63 2) 816-1520 /1521/1525
  • POEA-017-SB-031505-R /
  • 5 / оценок: 1

The Policy of Bouvet Shipping Management Corporation (BSMC) is to cater to all of its clients, quality services that consistently exceed their expectations in relation to Quality, Safety, Reliability, Service and Environmental Responsibilities. The commitment aims to develop and encourage its personnel, to maintain and operate its facilities in a safe and environmentally friendly manner whilst achieving maximum efficiency and profitability. In order to achieve this, we have developed a Quality Management System (QMS) based upon the ISO 9001:2000 that represents our commitment to prevent unnecessary injuries, loss of life, and damage to health, property and degradation of the environment. Our goal is to constantly satisfy our customers, with respect and responsibility to the Philippine Legislation, International Standards and Requirements, Employees and the broader communities. The System allows our business decision-making processes to control and monitor risks and to verify the level of adherence in performing such standard. Compliance with this Policy, Objectives and associated Procedures is mandatory and binding upon all Employees. Quality is the responsibility of everyone working for Bouvet Shipping Management Corporation. Client satisfaction and the good name of BSMC is the basis of our working philosophy. That’s why the top management is committed to provide the necessary resources, training and support to our policies and objectives. Vision OUR VISION is to be an excellent agency for manning and ship management through continuous development and upgrade of system and resources for the satisfaction of our client. Mission To ensure all our clients, quality-manning services, by providing globally competent, highly qualified and medically fit seafarers that consistently exceed their expectations. To assure that quality ship management and other related services are provided with an aim of satisfying our clients, with respect to compliance of local legislation and International Requirements.

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