Крюинг › NET Ship Management Inc

NET Ship Management Inc

  • Макати, 1st and 2nd floors, Scandic Palace Bldg. 4291 Emilia St., Palanan, Makati City Philippines 1235
  • +63 2 846 7399; (632)8043592; (632)8467245
  • 3 / оценок: 2

NET Ship Management Inc. (NSM) was opened in January 8, 2002 by Capt. Norberto E. Tapia, a pillar in the Philippine shipping industry. It was established with Brostrom Ship Management AB and in in cooperation with Principals: Rederi AB Donsotank, Furetank Rederi AB, Wisby Tankers AB and Swedia Rederi AB. As of today, the company has a total of 1,500 officers and crews onboard and on vacation with 17 foreign principals coming from different nationalities and 68 various types of vessels. NSM has been known in the industry as a service quality provider of seafarers, a family oriented company who cares for their crews and recognized responsibility to the industry and the society. Majority of the ship being managed by NSM are tankers. The tanker sector comprises one third of the world tonnage.

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