Крюинг › Asia Maritime Pacific Ltd

Asia Maritime Pacific (Hong Kong) Ltd

  • Гонконг, Unit 6, 6th Floor, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive Central, Hong Kong
  • (852) 2147 2010
  • 5 / оценок: 1

AMP is a privately owned shipping company that operates a fleet of both owned and chartered-in Handysize and mini-MPP vessels. Our Handysize vessels operate internationally, with a focus on China-West Africa, China-Australia and China-South America dry bulk trades. Our mini-MPP fleet operates on the intra-Asia and Australian dry bulk trades. The company is headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, London and Luanda, and has a presence in Melbourne, Australia, through our association with Rhumb Maritime Pty Ltd.

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