Крюинг › Сков Шипинг, Круинговое Агентство, ООО

SKOV Shipping Ltd.

  • Калининград, ул. Генерала Раевского, 4, офис 24 (внешняя сторона дома)
  • 7(4012)519615; fax: 7(4012)519616
  • 3 / оценок: 8

SKOV Shipping employs high calibre recruiting officers working out of a network of crewing office located in shipping centres, including Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Vladivostok, etc. Crew members are personally selected and prospective applicants carefully screened to verify their experience, competence, fitness and comprehension of English prior to enlistment.

The designated Crew Superintendent selects and engages the command and crew of each vessel taking fully into account special clients requests. There is strict adherence to internal Quality Standards, full compliance with IMO and STCW 95 requirements, and the manning stipulations of the vessel and her registry. A policy of selective rehire ensures that crewmembers return to their previous vessels or to other vessels of the same client.

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